Sunday, June 13, 2021

Wasaga Shores

The first time I wrote a poem was in 2016.  I was working on a certificate in Creative Writing, and one of the mandatory courses was called Reading for Creative Writing. Naturally, it ended up being heavily weighted to poetry 😝. When it came time to submit a poem as an assignment, I turned to the shores of Wasaga Beach for inspiration.

Gull soars over Wasaga Beach at sunset
The fiery reds and flaming oranges of Wasaga sunsets are breathtaking. I thought of them while writing "Wasaga Shores."
Wasaga Beach sunset

Wasaga Shores

on the sandy passage to shallow water
under the cardinal sunset sky
the honey sweet scent of balsam poplar

endless firmament
pin cherry berry red
sundown, luscious to the eye

trembling aspens quiver
slight waves crest
the rise and fall of reliable measure

Wasaga Beach sunset through the trees
At a time when mindfulness is promoted as a way to be fully present in a moment, as a way to relax the body and mind, and as a way to reduce stress, I realize that my best (and maybe only) mindful moments happen when I am standing by the water watching the sun go down. Every sunset is different and holds my attention completely. Here are a just few of the sunset pictures I've taken during years of visits to the beach.
A place for peaceful reflection
Wasaga Beach, Ontario

A calming pastel sky, Wasaga Beach

Drama in the clouds, Wasaga Beach

Serene moment on the shore
Wasaga Beach, Ontario

Tranquility by the water
Wasaga Beach, Ontario
After I finished my mandatory creative writing course, I quickly put the poetry away. I was no poet, and I was glad to be done with it. But, I held on to "Wasaga Shores." It was a bit of personal creative expression that I was (and am) very happy with.

When I discovered an unexpected interest in poetry earlier this year and challenged myself to write about my garden and the natural world that moves me, I knew that I would share the poem that started it all.
Wasaga Beach paddleboarder at sunset
Here's hoping that you find your "Wasaga Shores", like I did mine.

Happy Gardening!

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